Implant placement in the maxilla : a review. - ROS - 2004 - Tome 33 - N°3


Pages 201 to 227

Drapeau de la France
Resulting from crestal resorbtion and sinus pneumatisation, the posterior maxilla often presents with insufficient volume for implant placement. Bone reconstruction can be performed with onlay grafts in presence of large inter arch space, or with inlay grafts if inter arch space is normal. This literature review investigates on the different technical variations of these procedures. Autogenous bone remains the reference for onlay grafts, and particularly bone blocks. The use of membranes allows maintaining the total volume, but the risk of membrane exposure reduces its application to small defects. Concerning inlay grafts, the combination of biomaterials and autogenous bone seems to enhance similar clinical results as the use of autogenous bone alone. Residual crest levels inferior or superior to 5 mm are determining the decision whereas simultaneous or delayed implant placement can be performed.
Authors : Eric MAUJEAN, Xavier STRUILLOU